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SUITE INDEX The mission of Ethics4Kids is to expose as many youths as possible to the core values that guide them in making better decisions as they grow. Currently, we offer Traditional, Home School, and Faith-Based suites of curricula. The Social Capital section at the end of each curriculum emphasizes the importance of belonging to a community and building life-long relationships. Each suite may be downloaded FREE OF CHARGE (See Below).   Please consdier making a donation to our non-profit which enables us to continue supplying these curricula for no cost.      FREE Downloading of Suites  Please feel free to download any of our curricula at no cost.  In each suite, there is a “sample dowload” button if you wish to see the type of lessons which are included.orm at the end of the suite to receive updates and information about new products as they become available.   TRADITIONAL SUITES  This set of seven suites is based on ‘core values’ for all educational environments. It includes the following subjects: Kindness, the Golden Rule, Cooperation, Coping with Conflict, Truthfulness, Perseverance, Responsibility.     NEW:  Ethics-4-Kids (E4K)  is experimenting with an INTERACTIVE curriculum that make  learning values more dynamic and engaging. We’d love to have you try out the interactive site  and let us know your thoughts.   Click on the button below to go to the site.        HOMESCHOOL SUITES  This set of nine suites is directed to parents who home school. It offers a variety of curricula based ‘core value’ topics. This variety offers, to the parents, a choice of what to focus on and in what sequence. The current suites include: the Golden Rule, Kindness, Honesty, Respect, and Responsibility. Under construction are Listening, Empathy, Perseverance, and Coping with Conflict.      NEW:  Ethics-4-Kids (E4K)  is experimenting with an INTERACTIVE curriculum that make  learning values more dynamic and engaging. We’d love to have you try out the interactive site  and let us know your thoughts.   Click on the button below to go to the  site.       FAITH-BASED SUITES   This set of ten suites starts with an Affirmation of Faith based on core values. The suite includes the following subjects: Kindness, Golden Rule, Conflict, Truthfulness, Good vs Evil, Right vs Wrong, Positive vs Negative, Responsibility, Encouragement, and Respect. Also included are suggested resources for books, games, songs, etc, which are age-specific site.      NEW:  Ethics-4-Kids (E4K)  is experimenting with an INTERACTIVE curriculum that make  learning values more dynamic and engaging. We’d love to have you try out the interactive site  and let us know your thoughts.   Click on the button below to go to the site.